Thursday, June 30, 2011

Air Monitoring Results for May

As we've written previously, the Central Park Area Neighbors Association is undergoing a year-long study of air quality in Southern Lewisville in anticipation of natural gas well development in the area. The group hopes to get a good benchmark of where the air quality is before drilling, so that any changes after drilling can be noted. The tests attached are for volatile organic compounds.

Nothing in the results appeared to exceed any air monitoring comparison values. More commentary will be provided at the end of the study, or if something comes up abnormal.

CPANA monitored two locations in these results:

May 10 - June 10 - Box 210 (Near future Ingram well site) and Box 99 (Near future B&H well site)

Benzene levels for both boxes came in well below TCEQ long-term effects screening levels (ESLs).

Total levels of VOCs showed to be about twice as high at the B&H site (Box 99 - 1.19 ppb) than the Ingram site (Box 210 - .55 ppb), which is expected since the B&H site is closer to a fuel station, and busy S.H. 121 Business. This variance in background levels is part of the reason CPANA is conducting baseline air monitoring.

CPANA has increased the testing to encompass more testing locations, and will soon begin testing for reduced sulfur compounds in the air.

CPANA is looking for another location near the proposed B&H well site off Southwest Parkway between Misty Ln. and S.H. 121 Business. Contact if you can volunteer your property.