In response to the concerns of our members, and recent news reports and investigations in our area regarding the impact of oil and gas development on air quality, the Board of Directors of the Central Park Area Neighbors Association is announcing CPANA’s intent to conduct air quality monitoring, beginning as soon as possible. Even though the wells slated for our neighborhoods are not yet even permitted, we feel it is important to obtain quality readings of our current air quality so that we have a valid base-line to compare with once the wells are drilled.
CPANA will utilize a professional analytical laboratory, which will provide sampling devices to trap air contaminants such as volatile organic compounds. Unlike some of the recent snapshot tests conducted by the state and some municipalities, we will be using a method that samples for 2 – 4 weeks, so that a good representative average can be obtained. Samples will be taken near the proposed drill site, and protocols will be used so that our members can have confidence in the results. We will sample each month, throughout all four seasons, using the prevailing wind data for each month as a basis for placement down wind from the proposed and eventual drill sites.
Each month, the laboratory will provide readings for benzene, plus the top nine other organic compounds found in the air – which may vary from month to month. CPANA will post its readings publicly for its members to review. Numbers will be given in comparison to long term effects screening levels (ESLs) as defined by TCEQ and other government agencies.
The CPANA Board feels that this modest expenditure will serve the community and encourage oil and gas operators in the area to use best practices to avoid polluting our air, as well as provide us with early warning if the gas operators should fall short.
Although we will not be able to disclose in advance all details of where and when we will be testing, in order to preserve the integrity of the test, we're happy to answer any questions that we can.
Please feel free to forward this email to your neighbors who may not be on our list. We will get back to you when we have our first results, and explain more as well as provide you with a web link where you can always find up-to-date results.
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